Our Services

Our professional in-house specialists will help you to transform your ideas into a publication and market-ready material. Choose from a comprehensive array of editorial services that suit your needs.
  • Book
  • Brochure
  • Company Profile
  • Magazine
  • Catalogue
  • Annual Report
A good publication is never a stand alone process. We will ensure you getting the best quality result from any type of service you choose
  • Writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Translation
  • Styling
  • Editing
  • Book Packaging
  • Photography
The use of digital marketing is not only investment-wise decision but also an effective marketing channel that can help you grow your business.
  • Website
  • Mobile Apps
  • E-Commerce
  • Blog
The program is designed to provide assistance at any stage of the writing/design process, enable you and your team to master the skill of writing/editing/designing. The program is available both in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • Writing
  • Design
Professional human enable you to communicate accurately with customer and stakeholders around the globe.
We will help you to arrange an effective press confrence/event that will get your message across and give you maximum chance of getting good publicity.

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GED 88, Tower A Level 38, Kota Kasablanca Jl. Casablanca Raya, Kav. 88, Jakarta 12870


